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⚖️ What is LPM and why is it popular?

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If you're a lawyer, client or work with a legal team, chances are you've heard of legal project management (LPM). But what is it, really? Simply put, LPM is the application of traditional project management principles and practices to the legal field. In other words, it's a way to increase efficiency and improve outcomes by better managing cases, tasks, and projects.

Lawyers are often thought of as rigid, but the successful ones know that there's more to winning cases than just being knowledgeable in the law. In order to be successful, lawyers need to be good at project management.

So why is LPM becoming such a popular topic amongst lawyers? Well, there are a few reasons. First, the legal industry is becoming increasingly competitive, and firms are looking for any edge they can get. Second, clients are becoming more demanding and are expecting faster results at lower costs. And lastly, the legal field is becoming more complex, with an ever-increasing number of regulations and guidelines to navigate. LPM can help lawyers meet all of these challenges and more.

How LPM Works ⚖️

In order to understand how LPM works, it's helpful to think of a typical legal matter as a project. Just like any other project, a legal matter has a beginning (the initiation of the case), a middle (the discovery and trial phases), and an end (the post-trial phase).

To manage a legal project effectively, you need to do three things: first, you need to understand what the client wants; second, you need to understand what needs to be done in order to achieve that goal; and third, you need to develop a plan for getting it done.

Case objectives and goals 📝

The first step in LPM is understanding the client's objectives. What does the client want to achieve? What are their goals? Once you have a good understanding of the client's objectives, you can move on to developing a plan for achieving those objectives.

Setup a Case Project Plan 📅

This will involve creating a budget, setting timelines, identifying deliverables, and assigning tasks to team members. All too often, legal cases drag on longer than they should and end up costing more than they should have because there was no clear plan or budget in place from the outset. Of course, no plan is ever set in stone—things will inevitably come up that require changes to be made. That's why it's important to have contingency plans in place so that you can adapt as needed.

Track and monitor case milestones ✅

After the plan is developed and implemented, it's time to monitor progress and revise the plan as necessary. This includes tracking milestones and deadlines, adjusting budgets as needed, and modifying the scope of work as required. LMS provides law firms with the tools they need to manage complicated litigation and other legal matters effectively. When used correctly, LPM can help law firms improve efficiency, achieve better outcomes, and increase profitability.

If you're involved in the legal industry—whether you're a client, lawyer, paralegal, or project manager—it's important to understand Legal Project Management (LPM). LPM is simply the application of traditional project management principles and practices to the legal field—and it can help your firm become more efficient and improve outcomes. To learn more about how LPM works or get started with implementing a LPM workflow at your firm, join the list!

Are you ready to save time and costs planning and tracking legal cases?

We're currently running a private beta but its not too late to Join the waitlist today to get your cases under control using Pathscape's PM features.

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